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Shanghai Jiutian Automation Equipment Co., Ltd.

Assembly thermal resistance

National unified design products, universal interface size, good interchangeability;

Adopting the assembled structure, the parts have good decomposability and convenient maintenance;

The cost of replacing consumables is low;

Complete specifications, stable and reliable performance.

Insulation resistance

The normal temperature insulation resistance of the assembled platinum thermal resistance should be not less than 100MΩ

The normal temperature insulation resistance of the assembled copper thermal resistance should be not less than 50MΩ

The test voltage of the room temperature insulation resistance is 10~100V DC.

Self-heating effect: The maximum current allowed by the platinum resistance is 5 mA, and the resulting temperature rise is not more than 0.3 °C.

Thermal response time: When the temperature changes stepwise, the output of the thermal resistance changes to 50% of the step change. The time required is called the thermal response time and is expressed by τ0.5.

Thermal resistance time constant

The nominal pressure of the thermal resistance: generally refers to the static external pressure that the protective tube can withstand at the working temperature without breaking.

The minimum insertion depth of the thermal resistance: it should be no less than 8-10 times the outer diameter of its protective sleeve.

Insulation resistance: When the ambient air temperature is 15-35 ° C, the relative humidity is <80%, the insulation resistance is 20 megohms (voltage 100V)

. Insulation resistance with splash-proof junction box should be 2 megohms (voltage 100V)

The resistance value (R0) of the RTD sensing element at 0 °C and its resistance value (R100) at 100 °C:

Ratio = R100/R

When the graduation numbers are Pt10 and Pt100; R100 /R0 =1.3850±0.001

When the graduation numbers are Cu50 and Cu100; R100 /R0 =1.3850±0.002


  The assembled thermal resistance temperature sensor is matched with the display instrument to measure the temperature of liquid, gas medium and solid surface in the range of -200~600 °C, widely used in petroleum, chemical, machinery, metallurgy, electric power, textile, food, atomic energy. , aerospace and other industrial sectors and technology.

  Assembled thermal resistors usually consist of main components such as temperature sensing components, mounting fixtures and junction boxes.

  Optional model

Pt100 type, Pt1000 type, Cu50 type


   Main technical parameters

Type of Thermal ResistanceMeasuring range℃GraduationAllowable deviation△t℃
WZP type platinum resistance-200~420Pt100Blevel(-200~800℃)Tolerance±(0.30+0.005/t/)
Alevel(-200~650 ℃ ) Tolerance±(0.15+0.002/t/)
WZC Copper Resistor-150~100Cu50-50~100℃Tolerance


working principle


Thermal resistance is the measurement of temperature by the nature of the material as it changes in temperature. The heated part of the thermal resistor (temperature sensing element) is uniformly wound on the skeleton made of insulating material with a thin wire. When there is a temperature gradient in the measured medium, the measured temperature is the range of the temperature sensing element. The average temperature in the inner dielectric layer.


Special feature

 Thermal Resistance Time Constant
Thermal inertia level
Time constant(seconds)

Thermal inertia level

Thermal inertia level






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